Professional Development
Bailey Education Group customizes our training to meet our client's needs.
English Language Arts & Literacy
Building students' reading and writing endurance
The three types of writing: What, When & How
Building students' vocabulary for comprehension
Focusing on critical standards
Fluency is more than facts
How to engage students in math discourse
Science & Social Studies
Engaging centers for multi-dimensional standards
Science and Social Studies standards
Focus on science disciplinary core ideas
Best practices for improving scores
Check out our brand new ACT Certified Support and Improvement
Keys to Instructional Best Practices:
Professional Development
Teacher Coaching
Keys to Student Success:
Student Support
Customized Support for Districts and Schools​
Analyzing and utilizing student data
Organizing a data room to drive instruction
Assessment Blueprint Training
The principal advantage
Resiliency in school leaders
School resource management
Instructional supervision
Empowering school leaders to accelerate learning and help to keep students safe
Developing leaders who can diagnose issues with more precision
Improving staff performance, student performance and safe school operations
Customized service includes planning, implementing, monitoring and debriefing
Managing the 21st Century classroom
Effective professional learning communities
Effective interventions for MTSS: Academic and Behavioral